POP today! i ended training late, and POP ended unexpectedly earlier, so i didnt make it on time D: ohwell. apollo won the fac dance competition anyways! WELL DONE ANZAI! 'move move shake shake now drop' is just awesomely sexy. initially i thought artemis would win, and that athena actually stood a chance, but none of that matters now.
Will add stuff about today, tomorrow. im beat.
i know im not doing enough. but i dont know what else I can do. ohboy...i must not screw up again.
Wth. I realised im damn lag when i do work at home. Efficiency is at a minimum nowadays, especially with GP. WHY THE WILKS DO WE HAVE TO DO TIMETUNNEL + SAT VOCAB LIST + 175 WORDBANK + TIME MAGAZINE WORKSHEET!! All of them due on the same day :/ die. I want to go sleep now, im dead tired from training today. But i know it means ill leave work till tmr. AGAIN.
But i shall anyways. :DD
Theres like pressure coming from almost everywhere, since im actually bothering about my grades and whatnot this year. All that GP is due in 2 days, thus essentially i have only tomorrow, and if i dont complete it ill get fragged like cask/maledict/dagon laguna/refresh/dagon laguna. I also need to carry on revision for physics and econs(they come before the march holidays). Cant do even the simplest of circular motion already, those i used to find easy. grrr. And the pressure is on for me to do DECENTLY WELL in blocks so i get to bowl for the team in april. I want to do the school proud this time. so lets go! MUG, BOWL, WIN.
you're my only respite from the hell ive been getting. your smile lights up my day, like seriously. ive no idea why it happens. but it does. and im glad we're even talking. though i still have no clue whats going through your mind - and it sucks not knowing whether or not im doing things right - ill keep having faith.
CHEMISTRY SPA TMR. I WILL MUG AND OWN. since it isnt very hard anyways, so i shall.
I shall also use the blog as a homework diary to keep track of the stuff i have yet to complete, for the lack of an actual diary. Prepare for chem spa > finish GP time tunnel > Do physics tut > Maaathhhhh > all the economics work i cant be bothered to do up till now :P
POP is this friday and i really want to attend even though training's at chevrons till 7. Maybe i will cab down back to school or something. Im quite sure itll be fun (: And because i promised Matthew, i will learn the ATHENA fac dance by friday.
I realise I dont give you enough credit for trying. But im really thankful. Grateful that I get to see you everyday, since it just feels wonderful seeing you smile back at me. Its really all i ask for in a day.
I guess I dont really have much to blog about nowadays, since things are rather mundane. I did attend the Interview skills workshop yesterday and it was really much more fun than I had expected, much of it due to the presence of alton, wenjia, melvin, and yiquan. Hopefully what I learned will be useful, someday.
Also, Im bowling much more consistently now, which is always a good thing, and im slowly but surely getting closer to a new pb. But doing well in bowling wouldnt count for anything if I mess up my academics :/ and I think I might since Ive been slacking off my work considerably this past week. I will start off with physics this week before moving on to econs and GP(finish up Time Tunnel too). Chem will come after all that and..math too. lol -_-
I found this nice, old westlife song. Its a ziran favourite, but I like it more for its lyrics than anything else. Call me/it mushy, cliche or anything else you want. I just find it .... nice and beautiful and true.
'Another day Without your smile Another day just passes by But now I know How much it means For you to stay Right here with me
The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer
I wanna grow old with you I wanna die lying in your arms I wanna grow old with you I wanna be looking in your eyes I wanna be there for you Sharing in everything you do I wanna grow old with you
A thousand miles between us now It causes me to wonder how Our love tonight remains so strong It makes our risk right all along
The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer
I wanna grow old with you I wanna die lying in your arms I wanna grow old with you I wanna be looking in your eyes I wanna be there for you Sharing in everything you do I wanna grow old with you
Things can come and go I know but Baby I believe Something's burning strong between us Makes it clear to me
I wanna grow old with you I wanna die lying in your arms I wanna grow old with you I wanna be looking in your eyes I wanna be there for you Sharing in everything you do I wanna grow old with you'
Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. Because you never ever lose by loving, but only by holding back. Maybe I wont this time round.
OKAY! so i finally got bored enough to blog today.
I went bowling yesterday with noreen ruiyi felix. It went...sort of well, in a weird kind of way. I messed up pretty badly for the first few games, but what made up for all of that was the 202 game to end things off. Any game above 200 = happy delphius :D Ive been really inconsistent nowadays though. My low games have gone really really low, but i have also been hitting 200 games more often now! Hopefully its a sign for better things to come. GOGO >1000 pinfall for A divs.
School today was fun, since it ended with a koonho lesson, which basically means that ALL TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS ARE FUNNN.
Well, sanyu did something STRONG during physics today. lol. So we had this electrolyte we were using for the mock spa, and sanyu had to taste the copper(II)sulphate solution. O.O i mean it was cool and all, but i still think blue gatorade will taste better than that blue CuSO4 solution. He had the copper + rusty + salty + bitter taste in his mouth even after drinking coffee and eating 50c otahs. san made everyone know that theres truth in the saying 'Theres a thin line between bravery and stupidity' Sorry san! but i dont think its bravery this time round XD
No athena fac dance session today. I saw anzai with his apollo-lers(whatever you call them) at the inner plaza, and ares outside the audi. Itd be cool learning the fac dance this year again, since its fun and funky and can help athena win the fac dance POP thing this time round. Even dayans interested, so why not?
Alan talked to me after school too. HAHAHA WHATURFF. he started asking me about the stuff in sec 3 and 4(i shant elaborate them here, since itll take forever) and how we knew stuff about him that we supposedly werent supposed to know. Then he confronted didi :/ jason thinks alan's trying to weasel information out of us as evidence against him, since alan did tell jhunboon 'wheres jason, i want to kill him.' Hmm, well good luck porhow. Cant really help you there. Alan does pack a mean punch, as daxian found out sometime in sec4. i do miss 3/4Q abit.
listen baby, just wanna tell you im sorry.
i think its getting better. even if its just by abit. ill keep trying. we live and learn to love more each day. i need you to guide me, since i still officially freaking suck at this. i just want time alone with you, to know you better. we might be worlds apart, and chances to meet might be few and far between, ill try to make every second count. i will.
09s62!!!!! We finally got to meet the juniors today, and they were a bunch of freaking enthu dicktards, all of them like to 'having their fun!'. 'Enthu' doesnt even remotely do them justice in fact, so a better description could be 'desmond meeting kiran, while smoking crack'. They went 'A-A-ATHENAAA' when we made our way from the canteen to the classroom, and it made weize go WTF AHAHA LOOOLLL gg. Definitely not what i had in mind, but i guess its a pleasant surprise, and i did laugh a whole lot more.
Then siquan aka mera aka skew aka sq aka xi guat, and i, started taking to spotting the junior girls in a10, 3 out of like 15 or so? Boy, shenhong, tag, ruizi, and chejian must be soo sad. 3 junior girls, and skew says 2 might be transferring out. ._. imba.
And our juniors came up with their own holysh*t cheer that made me go !!!!!!!!! They started cheering out of nowhere and i swear their stamping and cheering made those diamond-shaped glass panes on the doors shake. Hardly unexpected from a class with 12/16 guys from uniformed groups. 4 NPCC 4 NCC 4 Stjohn. dayan will now have to go all out to defend his title as Loudest s62-er. the juniors dota too! and that kinda made us high quite a bit more, since life with the juniors wont be that boring (:
Bowled with josh rx tiff bern soph charis and gj after all that. Im just glad i managed to do what i set out to do, that being to repeat shots on the lane. Kinda lost my end-over-end release abit, but i guess giving it a little rotation never hurt anyone. Accuracy is now of paramount importance and I WILL GET 100% ACCURACY BY A DIVS. i know i can, i know i will.
Okay. So i finally found time to get friendship day gifts. Well, im quite sure i more or less squeeezed it out somehow, but i got it done, and im pleased with myself. Though im also quite sure the stuff i got should be at least 2.9343435346754 times better than what it is, i guess they should do for now.
baby, dont say that you cant love;
i realised its not that hard. but maybe im still not doing enough, since you dont seem to look me in the eye now. but thats not the point. i still need to do better, i know i do. and it can be better.
without frustrations, life would be without meaning. we just have to focus on making sense of the bullshit around us. life will be so much more fun then, wouldnt it?
8th February 2009, the day we won our very first draft match. Our opponents werent exceptionally formidable, but they werent push-overs either. It took a gruelling 65 mins for us to finally down the world tree. But im just glad us noobs got this first win out of the way, and hopefully we can start winning more drafts in days to come. Actually, no. It'd be hard to find time for a decent draft nowadays anyways, so im just hoping we can continue winning. I know we can.
I keep forgetting what work I need to complete over the weekends. In fact, i forgot what work i have everyday, so i end up having to ask people. :/ which shouldnt be the case.
Blame not, the lack of opportunities, but instead the lack of courage to seize the ones before me.
Its taken forever, but I believe I can put things right.
:/ i finally pubbed for the first time in 2 weeks today, because i got really bored in the morning, and i didnt feel like completing my vocab list. So i played Meepo twice with a Naix game in between. Won all 3 in room 12, which made me happy(: My current win rate after deciding to minimize game time stands at an awesome 90+%. I only lost 1 game, but that was when i played with michael. No doubt he played better than me in that game, but i will be a jackass and blame him for the loss, just because its mike and i know he wont mind C: Meepo is just awesome, especially when last-picked against pub line-ups that have negligible AOE. My micro is practically non-existent, but i still managed fairly well with a 9:3 in my first meepo game in months. Farm, rape, win.
My relatives came over today. And thank goodness, for i missed my baby cousins. 2 of them. Both of them look so freaking cute and I love them, but they somehow still like to hit me :/ and ignore me and struggle whenever i carry them. I guess im still a stranger to them, which is expected, since i only see them once a month or so. So thats only about 12 times.
I totally forgot about the NPCC reunion dinner i was suppose to have until some guy called to remind me of it at around 3.46. He started to laugh when i paused for 4 seconds or so trying to think of the date. "huh? its today?" "ya, lol" Well, only taisoon, adrian, dayan and i went for this dinner from the squad. D: wished more wouldve come but the MAD-ers have got some dance competition and that would more or less mean half the squad cant make it. So the 3 of us, excluding dayan since he had to sit at the officers table for dinner, along with 3 sec 4 juniors ate at table number 4. The dishes were meant for 10 people, yet only 6 of us occupied it, so we somewhat ate more than what we paid for(: we didnt even touch the plate of fried rice given how full we were. Being back there reminded me of the times when I was slacking in the unit, not thinking twice about the future and all that stuff, since life was truely fun then. Its weird how fast we've come from being a nub in sec 1, to being a NUB in j2 now, and i miss those days. From the chapteh days of sec1, to the rushing-down-5-flight-of-stairs-to-reach-canteen-first days of sec2, finally to the 3/4Q days.
but, its not possible. so ill have to make do with what i have right now. and treasure what i've been given, and whats around me. this, i havent been doing. and i dont want to regret not having done anything to treasure them, so ill make things right this time round.
I will.
im feeling much better now. and no, i dont want to remove you from my life. so hopefully you wont remove me from yours.
they say one cannot keep too much things to themselves for too long, theyll explode eventually. which is why im actually glad i have a blog, somehow. maybe the past year's making me on the verge of exploding already. i doubt most of my recent blog posts will even appeal to the 6 people whom i told i had a blog. cause its weird if half the world sees all the crap im typing hmmmm
i officially suck more at dota now, having abstained for the past 2 weeks. my usual beyond-godlike streaks - :DDD - have been limited to killing-sprees in the 2 games i had. i guess the drop in 1337 skillz are the opportunity costs for attempting to mug more and do more work nowadays. and i think its paying off, since im actually confident in doing schoolwork now.
it also helps that i do the same mundane stuff at home once i come back. on laptop>sign in msn>check fb, check mail>check mymym.com, djrickysmith videos> do work/watch tv. and when im bored of tv, and without a decent game of dota these days, i havent much of a choice other than work. so i tend to get started on them instead of using them as decor for my desk. throw in a couple of hours of running and you get the full picture, more or less.
yes, i've been an idiot, something you should already know by now. and i know how i might seem not to care about our friendship, but i just hope you will understand, that i do. i just need to put this feeling behind me now, because you deserve so much better.
but its getting so much harder.
i dont know if this is what you want. but i do know that you can be happier without all this shit im doing. you mean the world to me. yet im trying to lock you in a corner of my heart and keep you my little secret. how stupid huh.
Federer said after his defeat, "God, its killing me." now, its killing me.
Forgive me. Forget me. But please, dont hate me. im sorry;
I just watched a video of Federer crying after his loss to Nadal on youtube. Being a fan of roger, it was just emotional to see him weep in that manner and I really want to see him win a title again. In fact, i think ANY normal person out there will feel for him after watching it. The feeling of having been no.1 for ages, and then having to resign to fate as no.2 is devastating. What makes it that much worse was losing the title to a man who just ursurped your throne. Ouch. *and just as im typing this, theres this ad on chn 8 featuring federer. some gillette phenom razor.*
On the bright side, another sports outfit i support is doing pretty well. LIVERPOOL WILL WIN THE CHAMPIONSHIP THIS YEAR. they will. cause im biased, and torres+gerrard=godly. with the exception of their entire right wing, they have world-class quality in every freaking single position, just as siquan and i analysed during math lecture (: hey, at least i understand football more than i do math.
Fact of the day: My last graded pass in Math was Congruent and Similar Triangles in secondary 2, under Mr Png. I got an A2. :D No such luck ever since.
i need to get into a head of steam entering week 5, or at least i think it is. chem and physics are manageable, econs under koonho is....dismal, as ever. math? what math? i need to do well for blocks, lest risk getting suspended from cca. and that would suck, cause a divs are coming sometime in May. So, i WILL DO WELL FOR BLOCKS. then proceed to do well at a divs. 4-digit pinfall over 6 games MINIMUM.
do i always seem like i dont care? i guess i do. since i never seem to show it. hopefully i can ever make it up to you
;You don't have to tell me what you're feeling I know what you're going through I won't be the one that lets go of you
Don't have to be alone with what you're going through -comebackdown, lifehouse